When visiting Japan it’s hard to ignore the opportunity to eat delicious food every day, at every meal even, regardless of budget. Below are photos of every meal I ate on a trip in April, 2017 (though not every single takoyaki snack or vending machine morsel was documented). Most photos include a description and location.
The local conbini, or convenience store, usually provided breakfast, unless there was a French-style bakery to visit/judge or the mind was dead-set on a morning natto-don. Jet lag also forced breakfast hand, often leaving no choice but to arrive at the food markets early in the morning, before most of the other tourists.
Lunch choices can be dizzying. Plan on having two lunches per day
if you can fit it in. It’ll all be walked off anyway.
Many days were planned starting with the final destination,
dinner, and from there backwards in time. Dinner isn’t the end of an
evening, but it can be a highlight.